
Legal disclaimer – switzerland

The documents included in this publication are confidential and cannot be disclosed to any third parties without our prior written approval. They are exclusively intended for clients of Addvision Wealth Management S.A. upon their request.

The material provided in this document is intended for information purposes only without any commitment and/or liability from Addvision Wealth Management S.A.. It is directed to the addressee, upon request, and cannot be reproduced or distributed to any other person without the express consent of Addvision Wealth Management S.A.. It is in particular not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where, by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise, the publication or availability of this brochure is prohibited. It should not be construed as an offer, solicitation and/or recommendation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument, fund and/or investment vehicle, which may be listed or described herein. For additional information, available upon request, in particular regarding the particular restrictions and risks involved with these products which exceed those normally linked to the purchase, sale or possession of securities, the investor should refer to the Prospectuses, which represent the only legally binding documents. Investors should consider the potential risks and further disclosure information associated with these investments and appropriateness with their financial profile and objectives.

The information provided herein reflects current market practices and is not intended to constitute legal, tax or accounting advice; investors should consult their own advisors on such matters. The market valuations, terms, and calculations contained herein are estimates only and are subject to change without notice. The views, opinions and strategies described herein, which are as well subject to change, may not be suitable for all investors. The information provided is believed to be reliable; however Addvision Wealth Management S.A. does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. The performance data contained herein has been obtained from fund administrators as well as other outside sources and, although it is believed to be accurate, no guarantee of completeness or accuracy is being made by Addvision Wealth Management S.A.

Actual figures could be higher or lower subject to market conditions. Past performance is not an indication of future results.


General information

This Privacy Policy is applicable to ADDVISION WEALTH MANAGEMENT SA (hereafter « Addvision » or « we », « our », « ours ») and to you, as client or future client of Addvision.
The contact information of Addvision is the following:

Cours de Rive 5
1204 Genève
Tel: 022 818 35 00
Fax: 022 818 35 01

This Privacy Policy describes the way Addvision collects, processes, uses and stores your personal data which you shared with us when requesting our services or to enable us to perform our obligations under the contract you entered into with Addvision.

Ce site a été développé et conçu par l’agence de création de site web et design Procab Studio à Genève.


Data protection

Confidentiality is of the utmost importance to Addvision and the protection of your personal data is a priority for us when carrying out our obligations. Addvision commits to respect the personal information you shared with us when requesting our services, as well as any personal data of which we may become aware during the course of our activities. We strive to ensure that your personal data is accurate and up to date.

Your information is collected and processed in accordance with Swiss data protection laws, in particular the Federal Act on Data Protection of June 19, 1992 (“FADP”) (to be replaced by the new Federal Act on Data Protection of September 25, 2020, which has not come into effect yet).


How we collect and process your personal data and which information we collect about you

In order to provide a complete and highly personalised service to our clients, we are required to collect and process your personal information. This information is communicated by you at the beginning of the contractual relationship with Addvision, when speaking to our staff (in person or by telephone), during the course of written communications (post or email) or by visiting our website (

Personal data may also be transmitted to Addvision by third parties, such as depositary banks where you own one or more bank accounts, provided you gave your prior consent. Thus, the information we obtain and process is mainly personal data which we may later use when discharging our contractual obligations. Your information may also be collected and processed when it is or becomes publicly known.

The data we collect and process includes data pertaining to your identity and your contact information (for example: first name, surname, date of birth, postal address, email address, telephone number), as well as financial data in relation to your bank account(s) and your assets. In other words, the data we collect and process is any information useful to us for the purpose of discharging our obligations.
Addvision may also collect and process any other personal data which you have decided or may decide to share with us (such as: legal and tax domicile, civil status, professional status, social security number, etc.).


How we use your personal data

Addvision uses your personal data in order to carry out its business, in particular to:

  • Share information and present you with service offerings, in accordance with your request
  • Discharge its obligations under the contract you entered into with Addvision
  • Analyse and develop the contractual relationship between yourself and Addvision
  • Communicate with you, answer your questions and queries
    Confirm, update and improve our files
  • Abide by our legal obligations (under Swiss and European Union law).

During the performance of our contractual duties, we may take decisions based on an automatic processing of your personal data. Should this happen, you will be informed personally, and you will be allowed to request that all decisions be taken by individuals and not by automated systems.


How we share your personal data with others and why

To discharge our contractual obligations to you, we are required to cooperate with the bank(s) where you own one or more bank accounts and where your assets are held in custody. Your personal data will be shared with these banks only to the extent strictly necessary.

To provide you with the best services, we work closely with multiple trusted and qualified providers and organizations to whom we may have to communicate some of your information. The data collected may be transferred abroad, in the European Union or elsewhere, notably North America.
These providers and organizations include the following:

  • Custody banks in Switzerland or abroad
  • Collective investment undertakings
  • Financial intermediaries
  • IT services providers
  • Subcontractors
  • Authorities with which Addvision has a duty to cooperate.

All data shared with these recipients will be transferred by us using the required standards of care and taking all reasonable precautions against the risk of loss. Should your personal data be transferred abroad, you will be informed about the foreign state where our partner in charge of your data is located.


How we protect your personal data

Your information will, in all circumstances, be processed by Addvision using the required standards of care and attention. We use technical and organisational resources sufficient to prevent, as far as reasonably possible, the loss, theft, or deterioration of your personal data.

When transferring personal data abroad, we provide an appropriate safety and protection level, in accordance with the principles set by the FADP.

All our staff is appropriately trained and committed to respecting this Privacy Policy when processing your personal data.

The transmission of information via the internet is not absolutely secure and therefore involves a degree of risk. Thus, notwithstanding our best efforts and the measures we take to protect your personal data, Addvision cannot guarantee the safety of your personal data when transmitted via the internet.


How long we retain your personal data

We retain your personal data solely for the duration of the contract you entered into with us and, beyond that, for as long as Addvision is subject to relevant document and data retention obligations under Swiss or European Union law or for as long as this information is necessary in relation to any potential judicial proceedings arising out of the performance of any contractual obligations.


Your rights

At any given time, while we are in possession of your information, you have the following rights:

  • To be informed about our collecting your personal data
  • To be informed about the origin of the personal data we collect about you
  • To access your personal data, including obtaining a copy thereof
  • To correct your personal data if it is not accurate or complete
  • To delete your personal data, subject to some conditions
  • To withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data (provided that the processing is based on your consent)
  • To copy your personal data electronically or in an easily readable and commonly used format
  • To set limits on the processing of your personal data, subject to some conditions
  • To object to the processing of your personal data, subject to some conditions
  • To exercise your right not to be subject to automated data processing, including profiling techniques
  • To be informed and to oppose that we take decisions based on an automatic processing of your personal data
  • To request that all decisions be taken by individuals and not by automated systems.
  • To lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.



If you wish to correct, access, obtain a copy or delete any of your personal data, your request must be sent to Addvision in writing and we shall make every effort to answer you as soon as possible.
If you wish to exercise any of your rights, or if you have any queries regarding how your personal data is processed, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer:

Lucia D’ELIA
Cours de Rive 5
1204 Genève
Tél: + 41 22 818 35 00
Fax: + 41 22 818 35 01


Changes to the Privacy Policy

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this webpage. Please check back frequently to see any such changes. Last update on March 14, 2022.